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  • Writer's pictureSampriya

The dictionary defines truth as “conformity with fact or reality”. Most people call it truth when they perceive something with their senses, when they recognize a situation through their eyes, or when they know a fact with the help of their mind and intellect.

Online Meditation Training-Meditation Quote-Truth is That which never changes

Anyone who has contemplated their own mind has noticed its constant movement. Even though we may call the mind‘s perceptions the truth, we know they tend to fluctuate - and they change depending on one‘s interpretation. We have seen many times how a fact that is individually or collectively considered as truth at a given time can change, as our knowledge expands or deepens. What was once considered scientific truth may shift overnight with a breakthrough in research.

In our personal lives we know how the truth can be perceived in different ways by different people, depending on their individual point of view. Two people can look at the same situation and see two entirely different scenes, since perceptions vary significantly owing to personal experience and cultural conditioning. Yet both will believe that they know the truth and that they are therefore right...

We can see that the truth on the level of our human perceptions is not as stable or certain as we may have thought. In fact it is very subjective and - if we make it into a measuring stick for deciding what‘s right and wrong - this volatile type of truth tends be a great source of conflict.

Clearly, this is not the unchanging Truth that the Sages and Saints are talking about. Truth that is always available and remains forever the same is not to be found in the realm of the mind. It exists as the Source of the mind, the unchanging Self that is at the back of all manifestation. We have a chance to know the Truth of the Self as our own being when we close our eyes to meditate. The eternal unchanging Space of the Self that reveals itself when the movement of the mind settles and dissolves into the Source, That is the Truth - the Truth of our very own Nature.

Explore the deep Truth of your own Being through Meditation. If you are looking for guidance, contact Sampriya for a FREE half hour consult. #meditation #meditationmentoring #meditationtraining #onlinemeditationtraining #meditationmentor #onlinemeditationmentoring

  • Writer's pictureSampriya

As human beings we think of ourselves as "I"; a body and mind that functions within this world into which we wake up every morning. The Sages and Saints however have been telling us throughout the ages that we are much more than that!

Online Meditation Training/Meditation Quote: You Are the Sky

Even though we feel certain about the physical reality of our bodies and the world that surrounds us, it is helpful to remember that their perception is deficient due to the limited ability of our senses. We tend to forget that our main sense organ, the eyes, can see less than 10 percent of the light spectrum. It seems therefore reasonable to assume that there is more to us than the form we see in the mirror....

The Wise Ones keep inviting us to explore “the other 90+%”. They have left us the tool of Meditation to experiment and experience the fact that we are not limited to this body form. When we close our eyes to meditate, we have a chance to notice that the thoughts we believe to be our identity always fluctuate; in fact they come and go incessantly. The longer we sit, the more we become aware that we are not those thoughts, but the one watching them arise and dissolve. With time we develop the ability to not only come back to that Observer again and again, but we will be able to remain settled as the Observer or Knower of the movement - the eternal changes that happen in the field of the mind.

The Knower Being is our highest Self, the Source of all manifestation - including our body, mind and senses. Like the sky, the Self remains the Self, whether there is one thought or a thousand thoughts. The Self is unchanging and unaffected by the fluctuations on the form level. When we recognize that we Are the Self, we can live life happily, whether our days are filled with clouds, rain or sun....

If you would like to start your own experiment of experiencing that You are the Sky, contact Sampriya for a FREE half hour consultation to explore if working together would suit you. For a taste of the type of Meditation she offers, you can download a free guided introduction to Meditation here. #meditation #meditationteacher #meditationpractice #meditationmentoring #meditationmentor #onlinemeditationteachertraining #onlinemeditationtraining

  • Writer's pictureSampriya

Happiness of the waking state is always determined by the fluctuations of mind and circumstances. We are high and happy one day, unhappy and depressed the next - depending on whether or not our hopes, desires, expectations and preferences are met. Even though we aspire to be happy at all times, for human beings the state of continuous or unchanging happiness is elusive.

Online Meditation Teacher Training/Meditation Quote: True Happiness is unchanging

The reason we can't find it is that we are looking for continuity the wrong place. We expect to find stability in a dimension that is defined by unceasing change. The very nature of the world, our bodies and our minds is change. If we want a state of being that is unchanging, we need to look beyond the waking state world, to the infinite Space of the Source or Self.

The nature of the Self is unchanging, eternal, Pure, Free and Forever. One of its attributes is Happiness without cause. The Self is not happy because of something, it is Happiness itself. In Meditation we get a chance to experience our Oneness with the Self as the Source of Happiness. A regular practice of Meditation evolves the ability to know that the Self is our very nature and it builds the power to remain united with the Self at all times.

If you are ready for unchanging happiness, contact Sampriya for personal guidance and Meditation Mentoring. All information can be found here: #meditationmentoring #meditationpractice #meditationtraining #onlinemeditationteachertraining #onlinemeditationmentoring

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