Online Meditation Training with Sampriya/ Marie-Lou Kuhne Millerick - Meditation Mentor
In everyday life, the constant chatter of our thinking mechanism covers the Joy and Freedom of our Inner Being – just like clouds cover the sun.
Habitually our attention is on the content and movement of the chatter - from the moment we wake up until we fall asleep at night. We accept these thoughts as real and true simply because they appear in our head. If the thoughts are positive and uplifting we feel good; if they are negative, we are sad and depressed. In this way, our thoughts control the way we feel about ourselves and others; they dictate how we experience the circumstances of our life.
Through Online Meditation Training we reconnect with the unchanging Joy that exists at the back of all the mental movements in our head. We realize that our thoughts are not our only reality and that they don't define who we are. Who we truly are is the space of Joy and Freedom that exists at the back of the chattering mind. When the clouds of the thinking mechanism dissolve in Meditation, our Essence, the Light of the Source can be experienced in all its glory.
The ancient practice of Meditation has become increasingly popular - and for good reason. It is a highly effective stress reduction technique with invaluable side-effects that improve many health issues. New research data is released almost every day showing the profound physiological and mental transformations that Meditation Training produces.
The powerful side-effects of Meditation alone are an excellent reason to engage in a Online Meditation Training; however they are barely scratching the surface of the immense blessing that is Meditation. Its true gift is the opportunity to uncover the Essence of our Being – our Eternal Free and Blissful Nature.
How to Meditate
and how Online Meditation Training will benefit you
Online Meditation Training with Sampriya/ Marie-Lou Kuhne Millerick - Meditation Mentor
Through my work and travels I meet many people and this is the most common comment I hear from beginners of Meditation: “I am not able to meditate, because I have too many thoughts and I can’t control my mind”. The idea of thought control is due to unfortunate interpretations of the original Sanskrit texts about Meditation. It has become a pervasive misconception that keeps many people from attempting Meditation. I would like to diffuse this misunderstanding once and for all: It is truly not necessary to stop your thoughts to meditate successfully – it’s actually impossible!
To initiate a successful Meditation practice, especially in the beginning, the help of a qualified Meditation Mentor/Teacher is invaluable. They will quickly guide you through the initial questions and potential obstacles that otherwise can take years of practice to resolve.
Until you get a chance to sit with an inspiring Meditation Teacher/Mentor who has the ability to share the depth of Meditation, I would like to offer you a chance to experience the power of Meditation right now, with the free guided Meditation audio below. You can download it onto your mobile device and listen to it again and again. It will allow you to easily transition from a day filled with stress, agitation and from a busy mind - into that inner space of Joy and Freedom that is your own.
If you would like to learn more about Private Online Meditation Training or Online Meditation Mentoring, please e-mail me for a free half hour meeting. You will get a chance to ask questions, to find out how to start Meditation and what the benefits of Online Meditation Training will be for you; then you will be able to determine how Online Meditation Training can benefit you.
For those interested in learning in a group setting, please also check our Online Meditation Teacher Training and Meditation Events pages - to find out about ongoing Online Meditation Classes, Online Meditation Training and Satsangs.
For a chance to meet Sampriya/Marie-Lou, head over to this page. By reading about the journey that lead her to discovering and living the power of Meditation and how she was lead to developing a School for Online Meditation Training, you will find out why and how she can help you reconnect with your own inner power of the Source or Essence through her Online Meditation Training Programs.
Free Online Meditation Training Support
Online Meditation Training with Sampriya/ Marie-Lou Kuhne Millerick - Meditation Mentor
Take advantage of the Free Online Meditation Training Support from Essence of the Himalayas